Driving with a shoulder injury or after surgery

How Quickly Can You Drive After Shoulder Surgery?

A Guide for Australian Patients

Shoulder surgery, whether for rotator cuff repairs, shoulder replacements, or any other reason, requires a significant recovery period. One of the most common questions patients ask post-surgery is: “When can I get back behind the wheel?” For Australian patients, the answer is multifaceted. It hinges on physical recovery, mental alertness, the type of procedure you had, and Australian regulations.

Physical Recovery Comes First

Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, it’s essential to recognise that every individual’s recovery journey is unique. Factors that can influence your healing rate include the type of procedure you underwent, your age, your general health, and how dedicated you are to your rehabilitation program.

After shoulder surgery, regaining full movement, strength, and function in your shoulder and arm is crucial. Driving requires you to have adequate motion to steer the car, use the gear shift, and respond quickly to unexpected situations. If your operated shoulder is your dominant arm, tasks like switching on the indicator or turning the steering wheel might be challenging.

The Influence of Pain Medication

Post-operative pain is a reality, and the medications you’re prescribed can influence your ability to drive. Many painkillers can cause drowsiness, reduced concentration, and slowed reaction times – all of which can impair your driving skills.

In Australia, it’s illegal to drive under the influence of drugs that impair your ability. This includes prescription medications. If you’re found driving impaired, even due to your prescribed medications, you can face severe penalties, including hefty fines and loss of your driver’s license.

The Surgeon Knows Best

Before resuming driving or any other strenuous activities, it’s vital to get a clearance from Dr Gavin Nimon or your GP. During follow-up appointments, be open about your desire to drive and discuss any concerns.

Insurance Implications

Moreover, if you were to be involved in a car accident while driving against medical advice or too soon after surgery, your car insurance might not cover the damages, leading to further complications.

General Recommendations

While individual circumstances vary:


      1. Minor Shoulder Procedures: Patients who undergo minor shoulder surgeries might be cleared to drive as soon as one to two weeks after the operation.

      1. Major Shoulder Surgeries: Those who have had more extensive procedures may need to wait 6-8 weeks.

    Always consult with your surgeon before making a decision.

    In Conclusion

    Being eager to reclaim your independence after shoulder surgery is entirely natural. However, it’s paramount to prioritize your safety and the safety of others on the road. By following the advice of your surgeon, being aware of how medications affect you, and understanding Australian regulations, you’ll be back on the road when the time is right. Remember, recovery is a marathon, not a sprint!