Post Operative Instructions

Wound Care

The day after surgery, remove the wool and bandage dressing (down to the white dressing, which is left on). Replace the wool and bandage with the provided tubigrip, which is doubled over. This should not be too tight, if it is, leave it off, this tubigrip can be taken off intermittently. The underlying wound needs to be kept dry for 5 days ( therefore place a plastic bag over the leg when showering.  After 5 days, the tubigrip can be removed allowing you to shower, getting the white dressing wet.  On exiting the shower, remove the white dressing, dab the wound dry and reapply a band-aid and elastic bandage (if this is too uncomfortable, it can be left off).

Each day after the 5 day period, you may continue to have quick showers following the above regime.

If sutures have been used, these will be removed by Dr Nimon at 8-10 days post-operative visit.  Usually steri-strips are used and if these should fall off and the wound still looks fresh, place a bandaid over the area.  It is very important not to soak in a pool, the sea or bath until you have been reviewed by Dr Nimon.

You should aim to regain full range of motion, walking independently in the first 2 weeks.

You should be given an appointment for either Telehealth or Clinic follow up appointment (approx. 8-10 days after surgery).  If you did not receive this, please contact the rooms on 8376 9988.


Due to safety and insurance, driving is not permitted until clearance has been given by Dr Nimon.

Pain management

Pain relief or a script will be provided to you upon discharge from the hospital. This amount should be adequate however you may need to take “over the counter” pain relief for the next few weeks. It is not unusual to experience some pain for several weeks following surgery.  If you have difficulty managing the pain, please contact the surgery for advice.  It is a good idea to take analgesia half an hour prior to commencing exercises.


You will be encouraged to regain full range of motion and to walk independently.  You should make an appointment to see a physiotherapist once discharged.  It is very important to carry out regular exercises to rebuild muscle and strength and to regain movement of your knee.

Try doing these exercises 3 – 4 times a day aiming to spend 10 minutes on each exercise.  Do as many repetitions as able, then gradually increase this as your knee settles and strength improves.

If at anytime you are unsure about these exercises, please contact our rooms, or speak to your physiotherapist.


It is important to walk as normal as able, trying not to limp.  Start with short distances, then gradually building up as able. 

Static quads are encouraged to build muscle.  Push knee down into the bed, tightening your thigh, hold for 3 seconds then relax.  Repeat this up to 10 times a day.

Range of motion exercises will help knee mobility.  In long sitting, gently slide your foot up towards your buttocks, bending the knee as far as able, hold for 3 seconds, then let heel slide back down slowly.  Repeat this up to 10 times a day.

Circulation exercises such as wriggling your ankles and stretching your feet down and then back up will improve blood flow.  Repeat this up to 10 times a day.

Inner range quads – in long sitting, bend knee up and place a rolled towel under the knee.  Push knee into the towel and lift heel up off surface and straighten the leg, hold for 3 seconds then left down slowly.   

Straight leg raise – in long sitting, hold your leg straight by tightening the muscle on the top of the thigh.  Lift leg up about 10 – 15 cm, hold for 3 seconds then let back down gently.  It is important to keep your knee straight during this exercise.  Repeat this up to 10 times a day. 

Leg raise – in sitting position on chair or over side of bed, gentle bend knee as able, taking heel back towards chair, then lift up foot trying to straighten your knee as able, hold for 3 seconds then release.  Repeat this up to 10 times a day.   

If you have any concerns such as swelling, redness, increased warmth

of the operation site, excessive discharge from the wound or you have

a   temperature or generally feel unwell, please contact Dr Nimon

immediately on 8376 9988.